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How to change or clean the diverter in your Stockwell 4-hole kitchen tap

  • Turn Off the Water Supply
    • Start by turning off the water supply to prevent any leaks during the process.
  • Access the Diverter
    • Carefully unscrew the main spout from the body of the tap. Set the spout aside on a clean, soft towel to avoid any damage or surface scratches.
  • Remove the Diverter
    • Using a pair of long-nose pliers, gently pull out the diverter from the base of the spout. The diverter is secured with two rubber seals, so you may need a firm grip and some force to remove it. Be cautious not to damage any surrounding components.
  • Clean the Diverter
    • If cleaning is required, soak the diverter in a solution of warm water and mild detergent to loosen debris or build up.
  • Replace or Reinstall the Diverter
    • If the diverter is worn or damaged, replace it with a new one. Otherwise, press the cleaned diverter back into position using your finger.
  • Reassemble and Test
    • Reassemble the tap, ensuring all parts are securely in place. Turn the water supply back on and test the tap. You may need to turn the lever on and off a few times and press the rinse trigger to ensure the diverter is seated correctly and working as intended.
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